

Our identity is a colorful mosaic of our roots, our ethnicity, our cultural background, our ideologies, our traditions, our way of life and even the way we think. Our identity is everything that makes us unique and special, the good, the bad and the ugly. It is what makes you YOU and sets you apart from the rest. By leveraging our cultural identity we honor our roots, elevate our ancestors and harness the power that lies within each of us.



Some of us find our voice very early on in life. Some of us take a little longer, and yet others are still in the process of finding it. That is okay. Every woman has a very different journey and story, it is important to acknowledge this. Our voices should be heard and uplifted. We are beautiful and we all offer value, to ourselves, to our families, to our local communities and to the global community.



We all have inherent power. It is a kind of power that is deep and ancestral; it comes from our rich heritages and lineages; from our inherent dignity. This is where we draw resiliency from. But many of us have been disconnected to our power due to living in oppressive systems and we don’t always know how to access it. In a capitalist society, we often confuse power for money and fame. The truth is that there is power within each and every one of us. As we do the deep identity healing work, we unravel it, opening us up to radical and transformative change from within.